Vegetable proteins, our proteins to choose from

11.15.2021 0

Proteins are the nutrients responsible for tissue development, transporting vitamins throughout our bodies and helping us protect ourselves from disease. And there is nothing healthier than plant proteins.

We live in a time when the need for plant proteins has increased exponentially for many reasons: food safety, ethical issues, environmental awareness, the rise and diagnosis of intolerances, sustainability, the adoption of proactive approaches to health...

And it is not just a gradual but continuous increase in plant proteins to replace animal proteins, but the consumer is also looking for healthy alternatives in the group of products without dairy products and even without soy, such as proteins from peas, legumes, quinoa and many more varieties.

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Protein quality

One of the main keys to the choice is amino acids. In total, twenty different ones are used to "build" proteins. And they are all essential for every cell in our body. The difference that everyone talks about is between essential amino acids (those that our body cannot produce) and non-essential (those that it can produce). This makes the difference between which amino acids we should be getting with our diet. We all need a sufficient proportion of amino acids (essential and non-essential) to have good health.
Animal proteins may be more "complete" in essential amino acids, but the relevant part lies in one vital aspect: the ultimate balance of health on a global level. How can we ignore the problems that animal protein consumption brings for such primary aspects as heart health or blood sugar control?

The so-called "protein quality" is an indicator that is established based on the amino acid composition of the protein and its digestibility. This is the main aspect of figuring out which plant proteins should be part of our diet because they are so complete on all levels.

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The connection with healthy aging

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics states that protein in a variety of plant foods consumed throughout the day can provide sufficient essential amino acids if caloric needs are met. Therefore, it is important to combine different sources of plant protein to replenish amino acid deficiencies. And that's where the healthy eating expert comes in.

Over the last decade, there has been a huge focus in the food and nutrition sector on the triangular relationship that comes from the link between protein quality, plant proteins and healthy ageing.

For example, a recent study by the American Heart Association concluded that those who consume the richest fruits and vegetables have a 31% lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease and an overall mortality risk of less than 20% compared to those who consume animal - concentrated diets.

We are chemical beings, so our body needs to replenish and maintain the necessary chemicals. Therefore, every health program must include good nutrition, which is 100 percent achieved through foods rich in plant protein.