Slim Fit is a professional elliptical model that combines already known functions (preset weight loss programs and exercise intensity settings) with infrared heating of the buttocks, legs and abdomen. The ergonomic layout of the large screen and large keys allow you to set the settings that will be most convenient for you and show the greatest result.
IR heat speeds up your metabolism to your advantage as you lose weight and shape your body at the same time. Helps reduce cellulite and orange skin. It firms the skin perfectly and saves a few centimeters.
With Slim Fit, the intensity of the infrared radiation is proportionally reduced if your heart rate accelerates too much or if you load your body too much and exert great effort.
Procedure time, rest time, cycle progression and adaptation steps are set by the doctor for each patient based on personal pathology and patient's condition (feedback, before and during the procedure).
- Neck pain as a result of discogenic disorders, or osteoarthritis, or degenerative changes in the cervical spine.
- Lumbar disc disorders of primary and secondary origin
- Disorders of the lumbar discs caused by spondyloarthrosis or non-parallelism of the apophyseal joints
- Belt trauma, usually as a result of a road accident (injuries that do not result in fractures or displacement of bones)
- Acute and subacute pain syndrome resulting from compression
- Neurodystrophic processes: osteochondrosis, spondyloperiarthrosis, ligamentosis, spondylosis, with severe pain and/or hypertonicity
- Protrusions and intervertebral hernias
- Neurovascular and neurotrophic disorders
- Reflex muscular-tonic pain
- Radiculo-ischemic syndromes with slow progression
- Scoliosis (adolescent, youth, adult)
The plantoscope for rapid diagnostics of foot pathology contains a horizontal, plane-parallel base plate for placing the feet, made of optically transparent material and a mirror installed under it, at an angle to the base plate. The base plate and mirror are mounted on a metal frame in rubber seals. The lighting unit is made in the form of two LED LED strips mounted on opposite sides of the frame. The device allows to increase the accuracy of determining foot deformities with high contrast of the obtained image, especially during mass examinations, simplicity and informativeness of the study and its public accessibility. Due to the simplicity of design it is used for diagnostic rooms, medical centers and other medical institutions.
- helps to detect spinal deformities (scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis, etc.),
- disorders in the hip, knee and ankle joints.
- suitable for patients of all age groups;
- does not require much time;
- Podoscopy data are especially important in the selection of supporters, individually for each patient.
- allows the orthopedic traumatologist to quickly and efficiently carry out the necessary amount of training
- assess the longitudinal and transverse arch of the feet;
- evaluate the inward (hyperpronation) or outward (excessive supination) forefoot and hindfoot collapse;
- determination of overloaded areas of the foot (corns, dry calluses);
- to evaluate the reaction of the arches of the foot and changes in the position of the calcaneus during functional tests ("sitting", "standing bipedally", "standing unipedally", etc;)
- assess the condition of the feet and the degree of their deformation;
- identify areas of local foot congestion;
- the possibility of photo-documenting the condition of the feet.
Procedures that can be performed with MEDOZON:
- Gasification in a plastic bag (non-invasive action)
- Ozone injections (intravenous, subcutaneous, intramuscular).
- Autohemotherapy is automatic (mixing venous blood with ozone-oxygen mixture). The solution is injected intravenously.
- - Increased fat content in the blood;
- - All types of arthrosis;
- - Heart pain during physical exertion or stress;
- - Liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis, as well as all other damages caused by viral diseases or alcohol);
- - Disorders of the circulatory system;
- - Rheumatism, gout;
- - To restore the body after a long illness;
- - Eye diseases associated with improper functioning of the circulatory system;
- - Pathology of the genital organs;
- - Skin diseases (eczema, acne, etc.);
- - For rehabilitation after apoplexy, including paralysis;
- - Dizziness and headaches;
- - Removal of increased fatigue of the body.
Everyone has a unique body composition - that's why InBody creates innovative technology tailored to the individual, not the group.
InBody's medical grade body composition analyzers use four pillars of technology to provide accurate and precise direct segmental multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (DSM-MFBIA) measurements, extensively validated against gold standard methods.
- swelling of the extremities and a feeling of heaviness in them;
- muscle tension and spasms;
- circulatory disorders;
- skin problems: loss of elasticity and sagging, disruption of sebaceous glands;
- accumulation of fat deposits in certain areas;
- the need to recover from surgery or injury.
Everyone has a unique body composition - that's why InBody creates innovative technology tailored to the individual, not the group.
InBody's medical grade body composition analyzers use four pillars of technology to provide accurate and precise direct segmental multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (DSM-MFBIA) measurements, extensively validated against gold standard methods.
- bariatrics
- cardiology
- diabetes mellitus
- disease prevention
- dietetics
- personal training
- rehabilitation and physiotherapy
The "INDAP" apparatus consists of a dose generating control device equipped with a digital display, an injection unit, a 5m inlet filter and a CO2 reduction valve. Gas consumption per treatment is on average 100-200 ml.
- inflammation of the skin
- pain during the menstrual cycle
- spasms and pain in the lower extremities
- rheumatic pains when the weather changes
- pain in joints and bones
- scleroderma
- migraine
- periarthritis
- coxarthrosis
- degenerative diseases of joints and back with pain syndrome
- ischemic heart disease with angiotic syndromes
- varicose diseases of the lower extremities
- ischemic diseases of the lower extremities in all stages
- Lumbago and sacralgia
- lesions on the upper extremities: vasevrosis, Raynaud's disease and syndrome, acrocyanosis
The action of the device for tekar-therapy is based on the use of two technologies:
- Resistive diathermy promotes stimulation of activity at the cellular level, improves blood flow and provides tissue warming, which allows the device to be used for the treatment of bone, tendon and cartilage tissue;
- mobilization of electrical signals (Capacitive) in the intra-tissue space leads to improvement of metabolic processes, saturation of tissues with active oxygen, reduces the manifestations of hypotrophy and helps to accelerate circulation.
- pronounced orange peel;
- the presence of subcutaneous fat deposits on problem areas;
- the presence of fatty deposits;
- bumpy skin after unsuccessful liposuction or lipolytic injections.
The action of the device for tekar-therapy is based on the use of two technologies:
- Resistive diathermy promotes stimulation of activity at the cellular level, improves blood flow and provides tissue warming, which allows the device to be used for the treatment of bone, tendon and cartilage tissue;
- mobilization of electrical signals (Capacitive) in the intra-tissue space leads to improvement of metabolic processes, saturation of tissues with active oxygen, reduces the manifestations of hypotrophy and helps to accelerate circulation.
- - Post-traumatic physiotherapy; post-traumatic edema;
- - General pathologies of joints and tendons;
- - Musculoskeletal pain: lumbago, bursitis, epicondylitis, cervical pain, arthralgia, neuralgia;
- - Arthritis, osteoarthritis, arthrosis
- - Consequences of fractures;
- - Postoperative stage in joint prosthetics
TeslaFormer is the first achievement in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation based on the impact of a focused electromagnetic field on the human body. It is an effective alternative to the method of electrical stimulation, as it has many advantages.
If earlier electrical stimulation was widely used in physiotherapy, now it has been replaced by magnetic myostimulation Tesla Former. This progressive technique has a number of undeniable advantages:
the patient does not experience any unpleasant sensations;
parameters of magnetic stimulation are set individually for each patient, taking into account the characteristics of his body;
Tesla Former combines high power and high precision of impact;
effectively helps to eliminate chronic pain in patients and accelerates the recovery process;
allows you to achieve the desired results in fewer sessions;
the patient does not even need to undress for the procedure.
- Sports injuries
- Restoration of nerves or muscles after fractures
- pain therapy
- Genitourinary diseases: pain in the prostate
- Relaxation, shoulder periarthritis
- Musculoskeletal disorders: degenerative arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, cervical pain, muscle pain
- Nervous disorders: peripheral nerve damage
- Spinal diseases: acute / chronic sciatica, gout of the hip (inflammation of the sciatic nerve), spinal split, spondylitis
- aesthetic problems: cellulite, congestion (fibrosis, edema), loss of skin turgor and subcutaneous fat
- weakened pelvic floor muscles, urinary and fecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse in the postpartum period
- recovery after such serious diseases as: stroke, spinal injuries, radicopathy, tunnel syndromes
- prostatitis and erectile dysfunction (after urologist examination and diagnostic analysis) recovery after injuries and operations of the musculoskeletal system
HiTop (High Tone Power) therapy is a physiotherapeutic effect that provides a therapeutic effect with the help of a sinusoidal wave of medium frequency (3 octaves, 4096 - 32768 Hz). The device uses slow scanning of frequencies up to three octaves. The minimum amplitude is transmitted with the minimum frequency. The maximum amplitude is transmitted with the maximum frequency. This therapy activates the body's metabolism without irritation. SimulFAMX uses frequency scanning of three octaves. Frequency scanning occurs at different speeds (0.1 - 200 Hz). This therapy activates the metabolism in the body in such a way that there is an irritation effect.
- HiTop (High Tone Power) therapy is a physiotherapeutic action that provides a therapeutic effect by means of a sine wave of medium frequency (3 octaves, 4096 - 32768 Hz). SimulFAMi uses slow scanning of frequencies up to three octaves. The minimum amplitude is transmitted with the minimum frequency. The maximum amplitude is transmitted at the maximum frequency. This therapy activates the body's metabolism without irritation. SimulFAMX uses frequency scanning of three octaves. Frequency scanning occurs at different speeds (0.1 - 200 Hz). This therapy activates the metabolism in the body in such a way that there is an irritation effect.
- - syndromes of the lumbar, cervical, thoracic spine
- - shoulder-arm syndrome (neurodystrophic joint damage)
- - bursitis of the elbow joint
- - pain after injuries and operations, treatment of edema
- - diabetic polyneuropathy (disorders of the nervous system associated with damage to small blood vessels in diabetes.
- - depression (a mental disorder, the main symptoms of which are low mood and reduced or lost ability to
- - epicondylitis (dystrophic process and places of attachment of muscles to the epicondyles of the humerus, accompanied by reactive inflammation of adjacent tissues in the elbow joint).
- - tinnitus (tinnitus is a feeling of noise, ringing, whistling in the ears or head in the absence of a real external source of such sound.
- - chondromalacia and chondropathy of the knee cup (change of cartilage tissue with loss of elasticity and softening)
- - chronic venous insufficiency (CVI of the lower extremities - a syndrome characterized by venous outflow disorders leading to disorganization of the regional microcirculation system)
- - chronic adnexitis (chronic inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes and ovaries)
- - Reynauld's syndrome (Raynaud's disease - refers to vasospastic diseases, is an angiotrophoneurosis with predominant damage to small terminal arteries and arterioles)
- - state of fear, vascular headaches, phobias
- - stress urinary incontinence
- - radiculitis (a symptom in which there is a clinic of spinal cord root lesions)
- - restless legs and knee cup syndromes
- - prepatellar bursitis
- - psoriasis
- - brachialis syndrome
- - osteoporosis
- - migraines
- - myogelesis
- - dysmenorrhea
- - bronchial asthma
- - Bekhterev's disease
- - arterial hypertension
The high power ensures the deepest possible penetration of light, guaranteeing the necessary dose to the affected area deep in the tissues. In addition, the specific photomechanical wavelength stimulates free nerve endings, thus blocking the passage of pain signals through the nervous system and bringing immediate pain relief.
- - treatment of joints (arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, joint arthrosis);
- - treatment of spine diseases (osteochondrosis, intervertebral disc protrusion, intervertebral hernia, Bekhterev's disease, Schmorl's hernia);
- - lesions of the nervous system (sciatica, sciatica (pinched sciatic nerve and its inflammation), neuritis, intercostal neuralgia);
- - sports rehabilitation;
- - rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system;
- - skin diseases (neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, allergic dermatitis, herpes, acne, trophic ulcers, etc;)
- - diseases of the genitourinary system (chronic pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, adnexitis);
- - wounds, burns, frostbite, purulent processes;
- - diseases of the cardiovascular system (coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia);
- - diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, gastrointestinal tract.
This principle of electrotherapy is based on the use of the centimeter and decimeter wave range, on the basis of which there is a classification of microwave exposure according to the wavelength used. The high-frequency electromagnetic field generated by the device for microwave therapy has a thermal effect in the process of converting electrical energy into heat, and non-thermal, arising as a reaction of the body to microwaves.
Waves of the centimeter range generated by the device for microwave therapy are characterized by a shallow depth of penetration. The impact of the decimeter type, on the contrary, has the ability to deepen and evenly affect the tissue - they are more effective.
The generalized effect of microwaves on the human body can be characterized as reducing pain and spasmodic manifestations, hypoallergenic, stimulating the immune system and resistance to inflammatory processes.
Microwave therapy devices can also be used to stimulate the endocrine system and normalize the emotional state (elimination of sleep disorders, stress, depression, general nervousness).
- pathology of organ motility (colic, spasms);
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, dislocation, sciatica, sprains, etc;)
- abscesses in the inactive phase, which are not accompanied by suppuration (mastitis, urethritis, cystitis, etc.);
- vascular lesions (acrocyanosis, frostbite, reduced patency, etc.);
- pathologies of the PNS (neuralgia, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, etc.).
SWT is a non-invasive, outpatient, drug-free procedure that does not require anesthesia. Low-intensity shock waves are delivered from outside the body to the site of pain to trigger the tissue's own repair mechanisms, which initiate natural healing and angiogenesis. The procedure is effectively used for chronic diseases that can manifest themselves for years.
- prostatitis (inflammatory process in the prostate gland);
- erectile dysfunction (inability to achieve and maintain an erection);
- the consequences of surgical interventions.
- chronic pelvic pain syndrome and non-infectious prostatitis.
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
- injuries
- the consequences of surgical interventions.
- Tendonitis
- Myositis
- Gout
- Enthesopathies
- Intervertebral hernias
- Dupuytren's disease
- Achillodonium
- Hematomas
- Heel spurs
- Non-infectious synovitis
- Bursitis
- Osteochondrosis
- Muscle hypertension
- Epicondylitis and plantar fasciitis
An innovative technology that is gaining increasing popularity in health resorts and spas around the world.
- Anti-stress programs
- Restorative programs
- Relaxation programs
- Detoxification programs
- Anti-cellulite programs
- Anty age programs
In addition, OligoScan allows you to determine the body's predisposition to acidosis, intestinal absorption problems, hormonal disorders, predisposition to allergies, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, the state of the immune system and cognitive function.
Why is the analysis so important?
Timely detection and correction of microelement imbalances, elimination of heavy metals and reduction of oxidative stress will effectively restore the normal functioning of the body and avoid many diseases.
- - As a preventive measure, once a year for general harmonization of the body and slowing down the aging process.
- - Before pregnancy (expectant mother and father), as well as after pregnancy and during breastfeeding
- - In case of rapid fatigue, chronic fatigue and reduced immune system.
- - In case of problems with the nervous system: irritability, depression, increased anxiety.
- - In case of memory problems; in case of impaired concentration and memorization mechanisms.
- - If you have metal in your dental fillings; after severe treatment; if you have had numerous vaccinations; if you live in a contaminated area or work with toxic substances.
- - In case of recurrent liver disorders, intestinal disorders, skin diseases, problems of the urinary system, joints.
The SOMNO check diagnostic device records breath flow, saturation, pulse, pulse wave and other indicators during the entire sleep period. This allows you to record all breathing disorders in sleep, assess the cardiovascular risk, the risk of sudden death. In addition, it is possible in principle to assess obstructive or central apnea. Depending on this, the treatment method is chosen.
The presence of such a device allows the specialists of the medical diagnostic center of the CMEI to diagnose sleep-related breathing disorders. Thanks to this, it is possible to qualitatively assess the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, as well as to study the fragmentation of sleep.
- loud snoring;
- your loved ones notice you stop breathing in your sleep;
- daytime sleepiness;difficulty
- "broken" state after awakening;
- increased blood pressure;
- excessive body weight.
The Gastrolyzer® test is known worldwide for the diagnosis of lactase deficiency, many types of food intolerance and other gastrointestinal diseases (IBS, irritable bowel syndrome) and is recommended by leading European experts in the field of gastroenterology.
- - chronic diarrhea
- - abdominal bloating
- - abdominal pain without a specific localization
- - lactic insufficiencyanemia
- - food intolerance
- - excessive bacterial growth syndrome
- - irritable bowel syndrome
Chivomat therapy is a method of vibration massage using electrostatic impulses, which, entering through hand applicators, affect tissues, fatty tissue, blood vessels.
A distinctive feature of the technique is that both the doctor and the patient are connected to a device that generates special vibrations (oscillations) according to predetermined parameters. Deep oscillation can be carried out both with the help of a hand applicator and with the help of special gloves worn by the doctor. During the procedure, the patient holds a neutral titanium element in his hand.
As soon as the doctor touches the surface of the patient's skin with gloves, it is attracted, as soon as he moves it aside, it is lowered. Thus, during the procedure, light reciprocating movements are created in the tissues of the patient massaged in this way and are felt by him as a soft and comfortable vibration.
- A pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect
- Anti-fibrotic effect
- Trophostimulating effect
- Stimulation of wound healing
- Removal of skin redness
- Detoxification
- Increasing the elasticity of the fabric
The method is based on the patient's inhalation of a gas mixture identical in composition to mountain air, that is, it has a reduced oxygen content. As a matter of fact, with the help of hypoxia therapy, you can climb the mountains in a matter of minutes and then return to the plain. The first company in the world to receive a patent for the production of hypoxia therapy devices. It is the owner of patents that allow hypoxic training in medicine, which guarantees the effectiveness and safety of this technique for the treatment of patients.
The Hypoxico ® device is equipped with an electronic control system that allows you to create individual hypoxia therapy programs for each patient.
The safety of hypoxia therapy is guaranteed by the built-in HEPA filter, which provides purification of the incoming air to the patient up to 99.99%.
The company's finger pulse oximeter allows you to determine the level of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin and the most correct selection of the hypoxia therapy program.
- - circulatory disorders (stroke, heart attack)
- - diabetes mellitus and its complications
- - atherosclerosis and its complications
- - anaemia
- - bronchial asthma
- - bronchitis
- - atopic dermatitis, psoriasis
- - adenoiditis
- - prevention of late toxicosis of pregnant women and prevention of fetal hypotrophy
- - obesity
- - chronic fatigue syndrome
- - rehabilitation after upper respiratory tract diseases