Modern use of the long-known electrotherapy. Local and general therapy is used.
High-tone therapy is the latest achievement in medicine used in electrotherapy. It is a harmonious combination of business with pleasure using high-frequency electric currents. The therapeutic effect of HiToP therapy is achieved not by simple electrical irritation of muscles and nerves, but by triggering a cascade of intracellular reactions. The use of high-frequency alternating electric current causes oscillations inside cells, which leads to stimulation of intracellular metabolism, energy production and cell rejuvenation. It helps to increase resistance to overload, stress, chronic diseases, and causes a vitalization effect (general recovery and renewal, restoration of the functions of various organs and body systems). Local programs of high-tone therapy used in the Mayer program complement the "cell rejuvenation" program and affect various organs and systems in the body. Thus, the "Shaping" program leads to the breakdown of fatty deposits, activates drainage and muscle contractility, there are programs for stress relief, sleep stabilization, anxiety disorders; treatment and rehabilitation of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, metabolism and endocrine diseases. Each patient is treated individually to maximize the holistic result.