Intestinal functions
If the gut is not healthy, usually the person is not healthy either. We summarize: about seventy percent of immunocompetent cells are located in the gastrointestinal tract. They provide strict "border control" and decide what is absorbed into the body through the intestinal mucosa and intestinal flora and what is not. Immune the system associated with the intestines, - is a lymphoid tissue that distinguishes between pathogens fought by killer cells and the body's own cells and important nutrients. In addition, it is immunologically linked to other mucous membranes of the body, such as the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth or bronchi, and supplies them with antibodies.
You should not be surprised if an experienced Mayr physician draws conclusions about pathologically altered intestinal flora or leaky gut syndrome based on a variety of diagnoses. Today we know that migraines are often closely associated with intestinal flora disorders Ninety percent of all patients with fructose intolerance also suffer from depression; hay fever and allergies can be the result of chronic intestinal inflammation; general exhaustion, susceptibility to infections and immunodeficiency indicate an overloaded gut. This list can be continued almost endlessly, and it becomes clear that a sick gut can cause numerous complaints. On the other hand, a healthy gut is a prerequisite for a strong immune system and mental strength.