CRAP is a common phenomenon that every person has encountered at least once in their life.
Snoring is often the only symptom of a serious disease - obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). This is a breathing disorder in sleep, which is manifested by breathing stops (Apnea) for several seconds or even several minutes. As a rule, the patient himself does not wake up at this time and may not be aware of sleep apnea for a long time.
Stopping breathing during sleep leads to a decrease in oxygen supply to the body (hypoxia), which in turn triggers a number of reactions in response:
* the brain wakes up to solve the problem of oxygen deficiency (frequent awakenings lead to a feeling of lack of sleep and brokenness in the morning);
* The brain makes several strategic decisions to solve the problem of hypoxia:
+ significantly reduces all metabolic processes in the body so as not to waste oxygen on them (hence obesity, lipid metabolism disorders - high cholesterol, hormonal metabolism disorders - impotence, etc.)
+ increases pressure to drive oxygen-containing blood through the body faster (in such patients, nighttime asymptomatic hypertensive crises can be up to 200 mm Hg and higher)
+ Subsequently, it increases the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood, again, in order to compensate for the lack of oxygen, if not by quality, then by quantity (blood thickens, blood clotting increases, liver and spleen enlarge, frequent headaches).
But, as a rule, all attempts of the brain are not very effective, and the body continues to suffer from night hypoxia. This leads to decreased memory, attention, daytime sleepiness, irritability, sweating, shortness of breath, epilepsy, etc.
Symptoms of OSAS are quite diverse and always reflect the true severity of the disease. Sometimes there may be only one symptom, and OSAS is severe.
Most often they disturb:
* loud snoring in his sleep;
* A fragmented dream;
* Feeling of inferior sleep
* drowsiness during the day
* frequent night urination;
* headaches in the morning;
* Increased blood pressure;
* Increased blood sugar level;
* pain in the epigastrium;
* increase in body weight;
* Memory impairment;
* decreased attention
If you have sleep apnea - the risk of getting a heart attack or stroke increases 4-5 times!
In our medical center you can diagnose OSAS with SomnoCheck. This is a basic, screening, cardiorespiratory system for recording, preserving and evaluating the patient's biosignals during sleep - a method of daily registration of breathing, chest and abdominal wall movements, electrocardiogram, body position, blood oxygen saturation during sleep, conducted at home.
Snoring treatment depends on the cause of its occurrence and is usually divided into surgical (ENT doctor performs operations on ENT organs) and hardware (SIPAP therapy). After the diagnosis, you will receive the results with further recommendations of the doctor to solve the problem