In scientific practice, there are two types of immunity: innate and acquired. Innate is also called nonspecific, it is transmitted at the genetic level from parents. The second - acquired (adaptive or specific) develops and forms from the beginning of birth along with the growth of a person. Adaptive immunity is the ability of the human body to eliminate pathogenic and potentially dangerous microorganisms (or toxin molecules) that have already entered the body before. The so-called immunological memory is created. In order to understand the need to strengthen the immunity of the child, it should first be understood that, from birth to 16 years, it is customary to distinguish five main periods of development of the human immune system. In certain periods of a child's life, the immune system undergoes huge changes and loads.
As we have already understood, for each of the above periods of a child's life, immunity has its own characteristics. There are many causes and factors of weak immunity in a child. Factors that can serve to reduce the immunity of a child, including an adult:
- Malnutrition
- Lack of physical activity
- Psycho-emotional depressive state
- Past injuries or surgeries
- Chronic congenital diseases
- Bad habits and passive smoking
- Poor water and air quality.
To see your child healthy every day is a great happiness for parents. A healthy child develops well, successfully learns the world, enjoys life and pleases parents.
In fact, only persistent and caring people get health. For the well-being of a child, adults need to take care of him or her every day, to develop the right habits in the baby from early childhood, to lay the foundations of healthy nutrition and hygiene, and also to undergo at least once a year a medical examination by specialists.
Medical Center "Kievan Rus" offers the program "Children's Health Improvement", which combines diagnostics and health procedures. This is a unique opportunity for a wonderful holiday and effective recovery for the whole family.
We employ specialists with many years of experience who will accurately and objectively determine the state of health of young patients, and in case of a problem, guarantee a quick and successful solution. To improve the health of children, we have all the best: individual support of a pediatrician, modern laboratory and functional diagnostics room, equipped with the latest equipment, effective immunostimulating and general strengthening procedures, inhalations and oxygen phytococcels, salt room, massages and healing baths. In addition, children are interested here, the medical center is equipped with playrooms and a playground.
Take care of your child's health today to have confidence in the future. To know that everything is fine with your child means to avoid unnecessary worries and anxieties, it means to feel the joy of contemplating a happy childhood.