What is preventive medicine?

9.17.2021 0

It is interesting to know what is preventive medicine, because this area of medicine is quite new? But despite its youth and novelty, it is our future! Preventive medicine is a medical specialty that focuses on health. The goal of preventive medicine is to promote health and well-being and prevent disease, disability and death. Preventive medicine specialists have a wide range of medical skills as well as expertise in behavioral, economic, environmental and social sciences. A preventive medicine doctor can help keep you healthy, save lives, and change health systems themselves.

All doctors do some amount of preventive care, meaning they focus on corrective or curative care after a patient already has an illness or unhealthy condition. Preventive medicine doctors focus on disease prevention and health promotion, trying to keep people from getting sick.  Professionals in this field assess health conditions, perform physical examinations, make diagnoses and develop treatment plans, evaluate health programs, and use diagnostic tests and investigations. They may help people quit smoking, lose weight, eat healthier, or reduce alcohol or drug use.  Preventive medicine doctors also help to ensure healthy pregnancy and safe working conditions, treat depression.

Our team includes a doctor, a specialist in preventive medicine, developed health improvement programs in this area. The medical center has its own laboratory, functional diagnostics room, 2 ultrasound machines and more than 1000 services. Diagnosis of the causes of the disease in the early stages is the first step to a positive result!