Stress is the body's response to stimuli, where the stimulus is a situation. Most children today are under the influence of stress, as the child's mental activity increases due to the need to absorb and process a large amount of information (information stress). There is an overstrain of physiological systems of an organism under the influence of emotional factors (emotional stress).
In small amounts, stress can be "positive". But excessive stress is "toxic" and can affect a child's behavior, his ability to work, health, relationships with others and in the family. Have you thought about vacationing with children in the Carpathians? Kyivska Russ Resort Medical & Spa is an ideal place for family recreation and children's health. We are equipped with children's playrooms, offer free accommodation for children under 6 years and provide a variety of services. Rehabilitation programs have been developed for your kids on the basis of a medical center - the territory of modern medicine. New equipment, own office of functional diagnostics, laboratory, a wide range of services! All programs are designed according to European standards! Pediatric ophthalmology, qualified specialists!