Hyaluronic acid for joints. Intra-articular injections

7.10.2021 0

A substance such as hyaluronan (hyaluronan) is part of the synovial fluid, which performs the function of moisturizing cartilage. Hyaluronic acid has restorative properties. If there is not enough "oil" in the joint bag, friction occurs, as a result of which the cartilage begins to break down. With the introduction of hyaluronic acid, the fluid in the joint becomes thicker and envelops the bone surfaces, thereby reducing friction. The so-called "liquid prosthetics" can increase flexibility and mobility, relieve pain caused by friction, reduce inflammation. Thanks to injections, the process of cell regeneration is started, cartilage is restored. Receiving hyaluronic acid from the outside, the body begins to produce it to a greater extent.

When injections are needed

  • with osteoarthritis of the knee;
  • with pain in the hip, shoulder and ankle joint;
  • in case of pain when rubbing bones; in case of injuries; as a replacement for surgery.
  • hyaluronic acid injection is performed in the following cases: osteoarthritis of the knee;
  • with pain in the hip, shoulder and ankle joint;
  • in case of pain when rubbing bones; in case of injuries;
  • as a replacement for surgery.

During treatment with drugs with acid, the following results can be observed:

  • Metabolic processes inside the joints improve.
  • A protective shell is formed on the cartilage, which protects the joint from injury, restores the sliding of the joint surfaces.
  • Depreciation of joints, volume of movements, their working capacity is restored. Enhances the elasticity and resilience of cartilage.
  • Drugs with acid stop the destruction that can occur in the joints, eliminate the risk of arthroplasty. In addition, the substance has anti-inflammatory properties, the patient may reduce the need to use painkillers, as pain is significantly reduced.