The method is based on the patient's inhalation of a gas mixture identical in composition to mountain air, that is, it has a reduced oxygen content. As a matter of fact, with the help of hypoxia therapy, you can climb the mountains in a matter of minutes and then return to the plain. The first company in the world to receive a patent for the production of hypoxia therapy devices. It is the owner of patents that allow hypoxic training in medicine, which guarantees the effectiveness and safety of this technique for the treatment of patients.
The Hypoxico ® device is equipped with an electronic control system that allows you to create individual hypoxia therapy programs for each patient.
The safety of hypoxia therapy is guaranteed by the built-in HEPA filter, which provides purification of the incoming air to the patient up to 99.99%.
The company's finger pulse oximeter allows you to determine the level of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin and the most correct selection of the hypoxia therapy program.