Excellent health begins with the intestines!

7.7.2022 0

Mayer Therapy programs are the highest medical standard!

Excellent health begins with the intestines!

"The intestine is the root system of a person."

Prevention, nutrition and health! – "Medical center - Skhidnytsia" is a leading complex of modern medicine and Mayer therapy. Early diagnosis based on traditional medicine together with targeted regeneration of the digestive system and lifestyle improvements can prevent the disease. The goal here is to achieve and maintain a healthy body, mind and soul.

Healthy people radiate beauty, cheerfulness and complete well-being. However, most of us don't think about taking action to improve our health until physical or psychological signs tell us we're okay! The result is that we tend to deal only with the signs or symptoms, instead of attacking the root of the problem, which is often in our gut.

Many ailments, from skin problems and sleep disorders to arthritis, have been shown to be the result of an impaired gut function and/or intestinal flora. Common intestinal disorders include lethargy, frequent diarrhea, bloating, heartburn, flatulence, stomach and duodenal irritation, general indigestion, inflammation of the colon and rectum, hemorrhoids, intestinal yeast infection (candidiasis), fructose or lactose intolerance. Complications and symptoms range from bloating and allergies to depression. Cleaning and stabilization gut health and careful gut management can eliminate and actively prevent these disorders and diseases.