
Program Atherosclerosis

Home Medical programs Atherosclerosis

At an early stage, atherosclerosis develops asymptomatically. Signs of the disease appear when the vessels narrow. In this case, they may differ depending on the type of affected arteries. In particular, with stenosis of the coronary arteries, chest pain and shortness of breath may appear both during active exercise and at rest. Damage to the brachiocephalic arteries may be accompanied by dizziness, headaches, impaired sensitivity of the skin of the face and back, impaired vision and other symptoms. If the vessels of the legs are blocked, pain in the calf muscles and occasional lameness may appear when walking.

Treatment in the sanatorium

Atherosclerosis. Professional prevention (PRO-PRO)


Atherosclerosis. Diagnosis (QAM)


Atherosclerosis. Treatment


Procedure Number Price total
Magnetic-quantum infrared laser therapy 5
Therapeutic bath + pearl massage + phytoconcentrate 3
Hypobaric oxygenation 3
Ozokeritotherapy 3
Ozone therapy 5
5 990.00
Procedure Number Price total
Ultrasonography of the lower extremities 1
Consultation of phlebologist 1
Ultrasound of the genitourinary system 1
Ultrasonography of the abdominal cavity 1
General analysis of urine 1
Biochemistry (liver (ALT, AST, GGT, bilirubin, L-amylase, alkaline phosphatase, albumin), renal (urea, urine creatinine, creatinine), lipid profile (triglycerides, cholesterol, LDL, HDL, LDL), electrolytes (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus), blood glucose) 1
Coagulogram 1
Homocysteine 1
В12 1
Apolipoprotein A1 1
Cystatin C 1
Oligoscan 1
7 311.00
Procedure Number Price total
Magnetic-quantum infrared laser therapy 5
Laser therapy 5
Therapeutic bath + pearl massage + phytoconcentrate 3
Hypobaric oxygenation 3
Ozokeritotherapy 3
Ozone therapy 5
HiToP therapy 3
Hirudotherapy (15 leeches) 1
Hypoxytherapy 3
12 230.00